Friday, November 2, 2012

Pre-Lesson Questions

To help us all out, here are some questions I’ll need to know before our first lesson:

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Why Dance?

Why do you dance?

If you are one of those people who just said "I don't dance" I'd beg to differ. Everybody dances - well... except comatose people...

You might not dance very well in your own opinion, but, I bet you dance. Just think about it for a minute, when do you dance? Why do you dance?

I dance because it makes me smile. I teach dance because it brings me joy. I want to go to the beach right now and dance like this beautiful woman.

You may think you look awkward while you dance, but let's be honest, it is not as easy as it looks to be truly awkward.

Take a minute, make sure no one is watching, and just dance around. Let off some steam - spin around in the kitchen, jam out to your favorite song, just love life a little and show it through movement.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Learn to Dance

I LOVE teaching people how to dance. 

Their faces light up as their nerves flee away, and they just enjoy life a little more, and it is exciting for me to be a part of it. I have so many friends who have expressed fears about dancing - no one wants to look "foolish", I totally get that. There won't be an audience in our lessons, unless you want one. Just learn, it will be great.

I have been dancing most of my life, and so - like piano lessons - I've decided to teach beginning-intermediate ballroom dance lessons to any willing soul, and for a great price - starting at $10 an hour, but contact me for specifics. This would work for couples, private lessons, wedding/reception lessons or choreography, ward/group lessons, teaching young kids how to dance, etc. I love it all, and would love to help others learn to dance.

Definitely contact me if you - or someone you know is brave enough to learn, or if you just want to practice again.

I will be working on setting up this blog as kind of a virtual business card - as well as a place to keep links, fun videos/tutorials, reasons why dance is great, the works. 

What are you waiting for? Learn to dance today.

Sorry it's a picture not a link - I've been spammed before, and it isn't fun. :)