Friday, November 2, 2012

Pre-Lesson Questions

To help us all out, here are some questions I’ll need to know before our first lesson:
1.       Your name(s)
2.       Your city – so we can figure out where to meet up
3.       If you’d like to learn dance steps or a routine
4.       Previous dance experience
5.       How often you’d like lessons – i.e., a one-time date-night/ward activity or regular lessons
It would probably be best  to send this in an email – I get them on my phone too, so I can usually reply fairly quick, but it’s easier to set this up that way, or by phone (you should know that I’m notoriously bad at answering my phone though…) than by text. Don’t get me wrong, texting works, it’s just a little harder to make sure everyone is on the same page in less than 160 characters.

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